
Journal Articles


  1. NFA
    Analysis of protest signs in #SécuritéPourTous and #StopAsianHate
    Delin Deng
    New Florida Journal of Anthropology, 2024
  2. Lingua
    A corpus-based analysis of the fortition of the word-initial /ʒ/ in French
    Delin Deng
    Lingua, 2024
  3. LAN
    The effect of pitch accent on the perception of English lexical stress: Evidence from English and Mandarin Chinese listeners
    Fenqi Wang, Delin Deng, Kevin Tang, and Ratree Wayland
    Languages, 2024
  4. LV
    A corpus-based analysis of quoi in French native speech
    Delin Deng, and Fenqi Wang
    Linguistics Vanguard, 2024


  1. FR
    A variationist study of quotative system in the non-native speech of French
    Delin Deng
    The French Review, 2023
  2. LAN
    The grammaticalization of the discourse marker genre in Swiss French
    Delin Deng
    Languages, 2023
  3. LAN
    "She’s like why you speak English while dreaming?": A corpus-based dtudy of quotative markers used by Chinese speakers of L2 English
    Delin Deng
    Languages, 2023
  4. JFLS
    The pitch contour of the French discourse marker donc: A corpus-based study using generalized additive mixed-effects modeling
    Delin Deng, Fenqi Wang, and Ratree Wayland
    Journal of French Language Studies, 2023


  1. AJAL
    Review of teacher transition into innovative learning environments: A global perspective
    Delin Deng, and Fenqi Wang
    Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2022
  2. CMLF
    Bon ben enfin fin in non-native speech: The case of Chinese L1 speakers in Paris
    Delin Deng
    8ème Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, 2022
  3. LF
    Neutralisation et fortition en interphonologie laryngale du français
    Junkai Li, and Delin Deng
    Langue Française, 2022


  1. LTRQ
    Acquisition of English discourse markers by Chinese L1 speakers learning English in the US: Frequency and social impact.
    Delin Deng
    Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 2021


  1. CMLF
    1245 occurrences of donc in the speech of Chinese L1 speakers of French in France
    Delin Deng
    7ème Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, 2020


  1. LDS
    Un regard sur la question d’identité ethnique des Chinois à Paris: Différence entre les générations et entre les genres
    Delin Deng
    Language, Discourse & Society, 2019


  1. CMLF
    "Comme c’est un peu langage des jeunes quoi": Analyse du marqueur discursif quoi dans le discours des Chinois résidant en France
    Delin Deng
    6ème Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, 2018
  2. JALL
    How do Chinese students perceive the French spoken by Francophones and Chinese in France?
    Delin Deng, and Sigan Ding
    Journal of Applied Languages and Linguistics, 2018


  1. LDS
    Oui and voilà: Analysis of two discourse markers used by Chinese-L1 speakers of French in France
    Deng Delin
    Language, Discourse & Society, 2017


  1. AFLS
    Oui, voilà: Analyse des deux marqueurs discursifs utilisés par les locuteurs du français d’origine chinoise en France
    Delin Deng
    Cahiers AFLS eJournal, 2016

Conference Proceedings


  1. NWLC
    A study of genre and comme as discourse markers in the speech of French L2 speakers in France (in press)
    Delin Deng
    In Proceedings of the 36th NWLC, 2023
  2. LingColl
    The intonation of the French discourse marker donc with different pragmatic functions (in press)
    Delin Deng, and Fenqi Wang
    In Proceedings of the 56th Linguistics Colloquium, 2023


    Acquiring the social variation: The case of the NE deletion in the speech of the L2 speakers of French in France
    Delin Deng
    In Cultural crossroads: Interconnectedness of language, culture and education, 2018

Book Chapter


  1. DG
    Discourse markers and social variation (accepted)
    Hélène Blondeau, and Delin Deng
  2. JB
    Frequency of French discourse markers in non-native speech and the impact of extralinguistic factors (accepted)
    Delin Deng
  3. PUR
    Après et (et) puis: L’impact de L1, l’effet de genre et cooccurrence discursive (accepted)
    Delin Deng
  4. PL
    The intonation of the French discourse marker donc with different pragmatic functions (accepted)
    Delin Deng, and Fenqi Wang


  1. CSP
    Analysis of discourse marker quoi in the speech of French L2 speakers: The case of the Chinese living in Paris
    Delin Deng



  1. EH
    Chine interieure et la diaspora chinoise: Les rôles des femmes par rapport à la tradition
    Delin Deng